Expertise and experience
For 60 years we have developed and manufactured individualised customer solutions made of foams and other cellular materials.
In 1959, Oskar Pahlke laid the cornerstone for processing PUR foam materials by founding the Pahlke Schaumstoffe company. He was among the pioneers of this unique material. From these humble beginnings, the company grew into a dynamic family business over the subsequent years. During the initial years, the focus was on sponges and other products for the cleaning and care sector. As time went on, however, the product range was gradually expanded. It followed the successful path of this new material, which gradually found its way into more and more industries.
Today, Pahlke Schaumstoffe is one of the leading German processors of foam materials for the commercial sector. In addition to PUR and PE foam, we also process other cellular materials such as sponge rubber and cellular rubber. Our products are used in nearly every industry and sector. As a so-called “private label” producer, Pahlke Schaumstoffe manufactures exclusively on behalf of commercial customers who market the products under their own names. We make a particular point of advising and supporting our customers with the implementation of their individual wishes and requirements.
Among its customers, suppliers, and employees, Pahlke Schaumstoffe has an excellent reputation as a quality-conscious, reliable, and trustworthy partner. A quality management system certified to ISO 9001 and a team of motivated experts have contributed to this, among other things. Currently we have a staff of about 80 employees.. Young people are being trained as industrial management assistants and machine and plant operators, as well as process engineer for plastics and rubber.
(Kopie 3)
[Translate to English:]
Auch aus Sicht der Mitarbeiter hat sich in 60 Jahren Pahlke viel getan und verändert. Was genau und wie es ist, Teil des Pahlke Teams zu sein, erzählen Ihnen unsere Mitarbeiter am besten selbst. Den Film Wir sind Pahlke - 60 Jahre Pahlke Schaumstoffe finden Sie ebenfalls in unserem Filmarchiv.
Gemeinsam mit unserer Werbeagentur, aktuellen und ehemaligen Kollegen haben wir die letzten 60 Jahre Firmengeschichte zusammengefasst und in unserem Jubiläumsbuch niedergeschrieben. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen.